heres the deal

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RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
you guys refuse to see the truth and its frightening how anal you can be.last year i was the most scrutinised poster on eath. and it seems i still am. the fascination escapes me but here we are. nothing i do convinces some of you of anything. i called ace-ace twice. that wasnt enough. i spoke to and sat in front of a high profile sports host named john kelly at KDWN in vegas last year at the stardust. a show heard by 2 forums and it made news cuz i asked john to say hello to the shrink and wish him well in the capping contest he was appearing in 1 week later.and he pointed me out to the audience and said gina was in the house AKA roxygurl.everyone here heard it.not to JK and ask him who and what i looked like. hes in vegas so do your homework you wanna be columbos or shut the hell up.wait theres more. i also spoke to mark lawrence after the show.he knew i was a member here cuz we talked about it,call him. wait theres more.i also spoke to ken white before the show..for the 5th straight year. ask him about gina from SD.tell him i was the short blonde with the autographed tomlinson jersey the night marc lawrence was on the show.he commented on it twice. your obsession with me is sick.some of you are failed abortions and its sick. the president signed an internet stalking bill into law so go check that cuz a couple of you are crossing lines.

as for my new website..its not fact its and the owners thought i might want my name on it so they made an alternate address for the site.i do see how it can be mistaken for me wanting to make money off my own site but thats not the case. im getting no money for being there..yet. regardless of what you think im a great poster. you cant deny it.i helped build mvpsports101 into something pretty damn good. none of you know me so stop pretending that you do.ive been offered a job at several forums and youd know all of them so what i do is worth alot and you know that or these attacks wouldnt happen.they happen cuz every one of you miserable trolls who hammer away at me have forums of your own. you have much to lose and everything to gain with me not around.your pissed our forum kicks your you regurgitate the same mindless roxy crap over and over. just spell the name right and thanks for visiting the forums im part of.i wont be back to read your crap and will leave it to the village idiots who live for this.

the myspace you posted without permission is mine. prove the pics arent me. the burden of proof is on you not me. i just go about my business and dont bother anyone. at least i posted something real. more than i can say for a jealous jilted sick twisted troll who hides behind 2 posting names and a silly know who you are. you came into mvpsports101 late 1 night and demanded my phone number. i dont give my number to any man i dont know. now you know why.cuz this kid couldnt stand the rejection so went off on a rampage to teach me a lesson. you better hope im a woman gyno cuz if not you hit on a man. how sick are you? rest assured im very much female. if i were a male id get to the bash to plant you in the mojave desert where you belong. but that wont happen. cuz im NOT a guy. much like some of you arent out. have your fun.:finger:

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Props for this thread:

O/U # of views in the next week: 347.5
O/U # of responses: 16.5
O/U # of gyno and boxslayer responses: 11.5
O/U # of boxslayer colombo-esque investigative posts: 3.5

Let the fun begin!
Jan 19, 2006
Phone calls do nothing, O.K your a female woo-hoo.

So we are suppose to believe you are some hot chick who
caps the WNBA,and talks about sex with men on sportsforums
all day?? I am sorry but Hot chicks don't do that. Only2 pics on myspace?
How come you haven't posted anymore pics on there to make us look like fools. You can shut us all up by doing this but you won't.

You are attempting to prove us wrong with words rather than actions.
You have been enduring this scrutiny for over a year and have done

You Still haven't explained why you have posted pics of 3 different women claiming to be you??

What you posted didn't prove anything or change anyones opinion
of you. Your a fraud,all anyone has to do is look at your myspace
account. Again you have the ability to make us look like idiots
by REALLY proving us wrong. The fact that it has been a year
and you still haven't pretty much closes the case!!!!

If you are so hot I imagine you have 100s of pics. Why only
post 2? Sorry Roxy but your done.

Why don't you answer boxslayers questions?

I guarantee you avoid this. Cause if dropped the bomb on
your fake ugly ass!!!
Jan 19, 2006
Roxygurl said:
nothing i do convinces some of you of anything.

Cause you have done nothing.

Roxygurl said:
i called ace-ace twice. that wasnt enough. i spoke to and sat in front of a high profile sports host named john kelly at KDWN in vegas last year at the stardust. a show heard by 2 forums and it made news cuz i asked john to say hello to the shrink and wish him well in the capping contest he was appearing in 1 week later.and he pointed me out to the audience and said gina was in the house AKA roxygurl.everyone here heard it.not to JK and ask him who and what i looked like. hes in vegas so do your homework you wanna be columbos or shut the hell up.wait theres more. i also spoke to mark lawrence after the show.he knew i was a member here cuz we talked about it,call him. wait theres more.i also spoke to ken white before the show..for the 5th straight year. ask him about gina from SD.tell him i was the short blonde with the autographed tomlinson jersey the night marc lawrence was on the show.he commented on it twice.

Blah,Blah,Blah. O.K you saw some guy on the radio saw you? And your
a girl? OK? AND?

Roxygurl said:
your obsession with me is sick.
You trying to be something your not to the extent you do is
alot more frightening

Roxygurl said:
I helped build mvpsports101 into something pretty damn good.


Roxygurl said:
ive been offered a job at several forums


Roxygurl said:
.your pissed our forum kicks your ass.
This has nothing to do with your forums. And regarding this
quote, I think it is the other way around.

Roxygurl said:
the myspace you posted without permission is mine. prove the pics arent me. the burden of proof is on you not me.

I think we already have :grandmais

Roxygurl said:
at least i posted something real.

Really, I think most of your posts are generic,predictable,
and misleading considering your extremely likely unattractive ugly.

Roxygurl said:
more than i can say for a jealous jilted sick twisted troll who hides behind 2 posting names and a silly know who you are. you came into mvpsports101 late 1 night and demanded my phone number.

Who is this? It sure isn't me..

Roxygurl said:
you better hope im a woman gyno cuz if not you hit on a man. how sick are you?

Yeah you might be a woman, but not that one on myspace.

Roxygurl said:
if i were a male id get to the bash to plant you in the mojave desert where you belong. but that wont happen. cuz im NOT a guy. much like some of you arent out. have your fun.:finger:

Oh so your not going to the bash?? I wonder why :puppy:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004

I don't run any forums. I don't have any friends that run any forums. I have no agenda. I've never met Gyno in my life. I live on an entirely opposite coast. I don't even know the name of the forum that Gyno posts at.

Basically, I'm about as neutral as it gets. You can act like this is General Hospital and the world is out to get you, but this is really just calling a spade a spade. You're the biggest fraud on the internet.

I'd love it if you were some smokin little blonde. I'm all for that. But you're not. You're a dyke-by-default, nose piercings, eyebrow piercings, carpet munching juvenile Anne Heche at BEST. And even that may be giving you too much credit.

Let's answer the simple question Roxy...I have one question. One golden question. And thats all I need out of you:

WHY is it that NOBODY can see you???????

It's a very simple question. You can write a novel about your voice. How you did some radio thing. Or you called someone. Or you wrote a letter. Or a friend of a friend of a friend saw you. If this bothers you as much as you say it does, it takes 2 fuckin seconds to upload a few more pics to your myspace. Youve already showed people what you look like apparently. The ice is broken. So thats not an issue.

All I'm trying to prove is that you are NOT ONE of those pictures that you have posted. In fact, you dont look anything like those pictures. You have posted 3 different pictures of 3 different people. Because you eyeballed a google photo poorly. It didnt match up. It wasnt quite the look-alike you thought it was. Expand your picture album a little bit with the same person, a picture of you and a friend, a picture of you doing normal activites, and you can talk all the trash you want. A glamour shot from a photographers google collection, a blurry beach photo and some 20 year old girl doesnt cut it. You're supposed to be 32 or some shit.

Until you put up some more pictures, you are a fraud. Until you get some real friends on your myspace account, you are a fraud.

I'm in my mid 20's, I went to one of the biggest colleges in America in one of the states that has some of the hottest girls in America. I know tons of hot blonde girls. My girlfriend is a hot blonde girl. 5'7" 115 lbs, blonde, hair, the most perfect whitest teeth and beautiful smile you might ever see, and some of the clearest skin you might ever see. You know how many pictures she has on her myspace? 50+. Her friends that are like her? 100+. Any of my ex-girlfriends? 120+. I've never met a girl that has less than 10 pictures online.

"Here's me at the beach. Here's me in France. Here's me recovering from my boob job. Here's me in bed with my dog. Here's me downing a 12 inch kielbasa."

It's easier to get a hold of and I've seen more pictures of Osama Bin Laden than I have of you. And that guy is supposed to be in a hole in the ground on the other side of the globe.

As for that supposive bill that was passed, I think you miss the point of it. Nobody here e-mails you out of control. Or calls you. Or text messages you. Every forum has an ignore button. And it's a public forum. Give me a break.

1 question and 1 question only: Why cant anybody see you?

Whats the hold up? Why cant you add more myspace pics?

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Gyne!!! You have taken it to the next level! Only the very elite posters use the multiple quotes with the authors name in one post.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Boxslayer32 said:
"Here's me at the beach. Here's me in France. Here's me recovering from my boob job. Here's me in bed with my dog. Here's me downing a 12 inch kielbasa."

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
That's true, Rob. Gyno has brought his 'A' Game for this thread.

I hate being selective in my game pickings. I get involved with threads like this to entertain me. Cant wait to build my bankroll up again so I can hang out in the regular forums and talk some smack.

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
HAHA OMG THIS SHIT IS FUNNY!!! JESUS, IS IT THAT BIG OF A DEAL THAT A GIRL POSTS ON AN INTERNET FORUM???!?!? if anyone is a big enough loser to follow her around (on the internet) because shes a girl.....all i can say is wow....WOW. Even if she is pretending to be a girl, or faking pictures. WOW again. honestly, who cares.
Jan 19, 2006
Boxslayer32 said:
I don't run any forums. I don't have any friends that run any forums. I have no agenda. I've never met Gyno in my life. I live on an entirely opposite coast. I don't even know the name of the forum that Gyno posts at.

This is true, I only know boxslayer from here.

Boxslayer32 said:
I'd love it if you were some smokin little blonde. I'm all for that. But you're not.

Me too, and if you were that hot blonde that you claim to be, you
defintely wouldn't be so evasive.

Boxslayer32 said:
If this bothers you as much as you say it does, it takes 2 fuckin seconds to upload a few more pics to your myspace. Youve already showed people what you look like apparently. The ice is broken. So thats not an issue.

Boxslayer makes a great point.

Boxslayer32 said:
All I'm trying to prove is that you are NOT ONE of those pictures that you have posted. In fact, you dont look anything like those pictures.

Me too.

Boxslayer32 said:
You have posted 3 different pictures of 3 different people.

Gina please respond to this!!! Please!!!

Boxslayer32 said:
Expand your picture album a little bit with the same person, a picture of you and a friend, a picture of you doing normal activites, and you can talk all the trash you want.

The fact that it hasn't happened already says alot.

Boxslayer32 said:
Until you put up some more pictures, you are a fraud. Until you get some real friends on your myspace account, you are a fraud.


Boxslayer32 said:
I've never met a girl that has less than 10 pictures online

neither have I. Even ugly chicks have more than 2. I can't recall
a chick that has less than 5 actually.

Boxslayer32 said:
"Here's me at the beach. Here's me in France. Here's me recovering from my boob job. Here's me in bed with my dog. Here's me downing a 12 inch kielbasa."

LOL,LMAO,ROFL :missingte Boxslayer, seriously man, your sense of humor
should make you $$$$ one day. I bet you can write some incredible
material for a stand-up comedian, or even a T.V Show.

Boxslayer32 said:
Why cant anybody see you?
Whats the hold up? Why cant you add more myspace pics?

She has avoided this question for so long I think we will never
get a response to it.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
pwn3dyo said:
HAHA OMG THIS SHIT IS FUNNY!!! JESUS, IS IT THAT BIG OF A DEAL THAT A GIRL POSTS ON AN INTERNET FORUM???!?!? if anyone is a big enough loser to follow her around (on the internet) because shes a girl.....all i can say is wow....WOW. Even if she is pretending to be a girl, or faking pictures. WOW again. honestly, who cares.

Eat my balls. It's entertaining at 4am eastern time.

I sleep 4 hours a night. So I have 4 extra hours in a day that I need to be entertained.

This entertains me. I like watching people squiggle their way through lies, dodging questions, changing the subject. I'm the guy with the magnifying glass burning ants.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Roxygurl said:
you better hope im a woman gyno cuz if not you hit on a man. how sick are you?

and now we see the motive. the dude wants to pretend to be a girl so all these degenrate, horny, wife beater shirt men with drips of pasta sauce running down, who gamble incessantly, smoke, wack off about 12 times a day to asian kiddie porn, can hit on him and he can get off.

hot chick that gambles like mad, loves betting sports more than life itself, and has basically little or no life and posts on a message board incessantly but is always asked to prove it but never really can. he calls a guy that can barely spell 2/7 days of the week and thats suppose to be proof? Thats believable.

I could say I am a girl and have one of the many chicks I hang out with call and say they are Rawpimple, gamble like mad, post on the best site on the net, the RX. is that proof I am a girl?
Jan 19, 2006
Rawpimple said:
hot chick that gambles like mad, loves betting sports more than life itself, and has basically little or no life and posts on a message board incessantly but is always asked to prove it but never really can. he calls a guy that can barely spell 2/7 days of the week and thats suppose to be proof? Thats believable.

:thumbsup2: :aktion033 :anichamp4

Is it just me or does Southern Florida produce nothing but
superior posters??

Rawpimple said:
I could say I am a girl and have one of the many chicks I hang out with call and say they are Rawpimple, gamble like mad, post on the best site on the net, the RX. is that proof I am a girl?


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
thank u sr, i hope you enjoyed your stay


New member
Oct 22, 2005
Mofo get that my space up, I think what amazes me is that well over 5,000 posts later and all this is coming to light. I feel bad for guys like C-lo that was duped by him and others. It's one thing to "make phone calls to someone and to show up and say hello across radio waves". I could take a few hundred dollars and have Roxy call all of you that easy. But to have someone meet someone somewhere, especially the person in that picture at lets say the rx bash, diff. story. Well she will surely stop in or read this in a few days when she needs to promote something else.
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